Live from Pawnee: A Parks and Recreation Fan Rewatch Podcast

S01E01 - Pilot

Episode Summary

Everyone turn your dials accordingly, as the rubber of podcasting meets the road of listening! This week Mark and Allen care at you loudly as they walk you through the Pilot episode of Parks and Recreation!

Episode Notes

This week Mark and Allen breakdown the episode as we get our first glimpse of doofy but sweet protagonist Leslie Knope, anti-government libertarian Ron Swanson, kind but long suffering nurse Ann Perkins, and the rest of the Park & Rec gang as we enjoy the origin of the "Sullivan Street Pit Project". We go through our much-better-than-the-original-AKA's, standout moments, character introductions, deleted scenes, and final scoring. We'll do whatever it takes to make you enjoy this podcast - even if it takes as long as 2 months. We pinky promise. Just don't fall in the pit - we don't want your clavicle broken.