Live from Pawnee: A Parks and Recreation Fan Rewatch Podcast

S03E02 - Flu Season with Norm Hiscock

Episode Summary

Grab a soak and a schvitz, drink plenty of fluids, and start shot-gunning packets of Emergen-C! Haven't you heard? THERE'S A FLU GOING AROUND!!! Join brave podcast hosts Mark and Allen as they ignore the medical warnings and tackle Episode 2 of Season 3, "Flu Season". NOTE: For those of you who are feeling a bit under the weather, unpaid producer Constantine has whipped up a batch of onion soup (what else) - apparently an old family recipe.

Episode Notes

This week, Mark and Allen break down the Episode where Chris tells himself to ... STOP ... POOPING!!!  The flu is sweeping across Pawnee, with Ann caring for many of the sick, including April (who still resents Ann for kissing Andy). While Ron visits April, she asks him not to tell Andy she's there. With April gone, Ron does ask Andy to fill in as an assistant, believing (correctly) that Andy will be ineffective. Meanwhile, Leslie is preparing for a presentation with the Pawnee Chamber of Commerce, and it becomes clear Leslie is not feeling well, but she won't admit it because of the importance of the presentation. Ben finally takes a reluctant Leslie to the hospital, Ann admits her, and Ben tells her not to worry, he and Tom will do the presentation, which Leslie is not happy about. A bit later, a flu-ridden Chris is checked into the hospital, having a total physical breakdown. Ann has been dating Chris, and really likes him, but fears he is too perfect... until now. Meanwhile, instead of helping Ben prepare for the presentation, Tom abandons him to hang out at a spa. As the day goes on, Ron and Andy bond over many things, including food, drink, football, and politics, with Andy eventually feeling comfortable enough with Ron to tell him about his problems with April. To top things off, a delirious and over-medicated Leslie escapes the hospital and heads back to City Hall to do the presentation herself!  Never fear - as always, we answer all the questions others are afraid to even verbalize, such as ... Will April's constant poking at Ann make her break? Will Andy ever find out April is at the hospital? How will Ann feel about Chris now that he is essentially a puddle of goo? Does Tom ever come back from the spa? Will Leslie make it to City Hall? Will Ben decide to introduce himself musically? Will Ron and Andy ever successfully complete a passing play outside? Will the Harvest Festival fail before it even starts?  Loyal podcast viewers, this is one of the BEST episodes of the series - fight us about it!  Or, just tune in and enjoy it.  Yes, that's probably better.  Many thanks to our awesome sponsor, Big Head Joe's.