Live from Pawnee: A Parks and Recreation Fan Rewatch Podcast

S05E15 - Correspondents’ Lunch

Episode Summary

Grab some crab and caviar, blend your smoothies, get your jokes ready, and don't forget your can of "Whoop-Ass" ... it's roasting time! And if the opportunity presents itself, you might want to ask for some semen ... your call. Join artificial insemination experts Mark and Allen as they tackle Episode 15 of Season 5, "Correspondents' Lunch". (NOTE: This episode inspired Constantine and Harvey to create their own "roasting" style jokes, which they presented over the AV system here at LFP Worldwide Headquarters. Yeah ... it was just as fun as it sounds.)

Episode Notes

This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where Nick Offerman has his directorial debut! Back from her Hawaiian honeymoon with Ben, Leslie prepares for her upcoming speech at the Pawnee Correspondents' Lunch, where every year the government and media get together to roast each other ... and Leslie is determined to give it to the Pawnee Sun tabloid with both barrels. At the luncheon, Leslie confronts Pawnee Sun reporter Kim Terlando and boasts about how she's going to kick ass and take names with her speech. However, Kim is called up on stage ahead of Leslie, and when she gives HER speech, it becomes clear she somehow stole all of Leslie's jokes, leaving Leslie with nothing to present. Leslie ends up bombing on stage, and even worse, is completely perplexed as to how Kim Terlando got hold of her notes. Meanwhile, still on her quest to have a baby, Ann has chosen Chris (who just broke up with Shauna Malwae-Tweep a week ago) as her potential sperm donor. Unfortunately, Chris does not yet know this, as Ann struggles to gain the courage to speak to him about it. After avoiding several interactions with him at City Hall (and venting to Ron about her insecurities), Ann once again tries to summon the nerve to talk to Chris at the Correspondents Luncheon. However, she becomes intimidated when she not only sees Shauna present at the luncheon, but witnesses Shauna and Chris engaging in pleasant small talk ... causing her to continue to vent to Ron. Finally, Ben begins his new job as President of the Sweetums Foundation. Jessica Wicks gives Ben his first assignment: pick a charity for the company to fund. Unfortunately, she only gives Ben a day to do so, and there are hundreds of charity applications to sift through. Desperate for help, he recruits Tom, April, and Andy to help him out. April encourages Andy to do this with them, as Andy has been depressed lately after failing to become a police officer. The team generates mixed results: Tom just cares about Sweetums' fancy lunches and luxurious perks, and April (true to her nature) doesn't care a whole lot about charity ... or helping out Ben. Andy, however, gives it his best try, and actually picks out an interesting after-school music program for at-risk children. Ben is impressed by Andy's choice, and likes the idea, but is still considering other choices as well. As always, we tackle the tough questions, such as ... How did Kim Terlando get hold of Leslie's notes? Is Shauna Malwae-Tweep a genuine concern to Ann, or just a minor annoyance? What does Ben end up choosing as Sweetums' first charity? Can Leslie get her revenge on Kim Terlando? How does Ron handle Ann constantly venting to him? Will Andy ever snap out of his depression? Were Leslie's stolen jokes at least funny? Will Ann ever summon the courage to ask Chris to be her baby daddy? Are there any donations to "Tommy's Tummy Foundation"? Loyal podcast viewers, we've got new storylines, new careers ... things continue to barrel straight ahead in the little town of Pawnee, and we're all lucky enough to have a front row seat! Many thanks to our amazing sponsor, Pawnee Supersuites.